Pourquoi Suntrek? Why Suntrek?
Plusieurs choses m'ont dirigé vers Suntrek. La première, ma relative inexpérience des USA. Ce n'est pas avec une semaine en Louisiane que l'on se fait à la vie là-bas, la conduite, etc... Donc, je n'avais pas envie de louer une voiture et tracer ma route au petit bonheur la chance! Deuxièmement, je n'avais pas envie non plus du piège à touriste, de la grosse organisation. Je cherchais quelque chose à taille humaine. Enfin, je souhaitais en profiter pour rencontrer, si possible, d'autres jeunes, de Belgique ou d'ailleurs. Le tout bien secoué, servi frais m'a orienté vers Suntrek.
Many things made me chose Suntrek. First one was my inexperience. Living for a week in Louisiana is not enough to get used to life over there, driving rules,etc... So, i didn't want to rent a car and hope to be lucky on the road! Second, i was not looking for the "big tourist organization". I was looking for something small, humane. Last, i was looking to meet other young travellers, from Belgium or not. Take all this, shake well, serve it cool, you get Suntrek.
Many things made me chose Suntrek. First one was my inexperience. Living for a week in Louisiana is not enough to get used to life over there, driving rules,etc... So, i didn't want to rent a car and hope to be lucky on the road! Second, i was not looking for the "big tourist organization". I was looking for something small, humane. Last, i was looking to meet other young travellers, from Belgium or not. Take all this, shake well, serve it cool, you get Suntrek.